“But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you; or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish in the sea inform you. Which of all these does not know that the hand of the Lord has done this? In his hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind.”
8:30 a.m. Tuesdays — North Shore, O’ahu.
We’re getting used to these early mornings and longer days. The girls and I are getting bronzer under the island sun and feeling healthier near the salty sea. From May through July, we study Marine Biology with a homeschool Co-Op on the North Shore, using The Good and the Beautiful Marine Biology unit study. Our Tuesdays begin with learning about marine life and end with beautiful moments of swimming in the Pacific Ocean, combing the beach for seashells, and spending time with kindred spirits.
Everyone gathers together for prayer, then we learn a new name of God each week using “God’s Names” by Sally Michael. Beginning the morning this way really prepares our hearts and minds to learn who God is as we study the ocean and all that lives beneath the surface.
Afterwards, the children divide into grade level groups (K-2, 3-5, and 6+) to go over a lesson taught by mamas who rotate every week!
In addition to the unit lesson for each week, the older students in intermediate-high school need to complete the lesson extensions in their Marine Biology student journals and discuss it together. Elementary students, like Sandi and Ema, keep individual journals in a blank composition book that include worksheets and any experiments that need to be written down. On the side, I also have them write a short journal entry of what they learn on Tuesdays, write down new vocabulary words, and record information about sea creatures they chose to study, or times with their friends they want to remember. After 12-weeks of studying marine life and so much time swimming with their friends in the ocean, I believe these journals will not only become a great resource, but also encapsulate their first summer of living in Hawai’i!
“He who spread out the earth upon the waters, His love endures forever”
5/2 — Combing the beach for the tiniest seashells with Leia
In the mornings, I sit with Leia for nearly an hour to read, practice writing the alphabet, work on phonics, identify sea life that begins with each letter, teach her how to draw, and incorporate copy work by labeling her drawing. Earlier in the year, she had been tracing the alphabet on the dotted lines, and now she is learning how to write freehand and grasp the concept that alphabets form words. I am smitten by her cute illustrations and how quiet and peaceful homeschooling her is. Her aptitude for bookwork at age 3 is truly impressive!
I love unit studies, especially ones that bring me to the garden or the ocean! Immersing the girls in one subject for an extended time makes our school days more enjoyable and predictable for all of us. This summer, our books, art, activities, and bible memory verses will revolve around the ocean. I know that the more the girls learn about the sea, the greater their appreciation for living on this island.