Spring Garden Notes
I've been dreaming of growing our Spring garden since we moved to our new home in November for several reasons— as a creature of habit, I feel lost and idle without a garden to tend to, and the girls seem uninterested in spending time in a backyard with just a lawn of grass. In every home we’ve moved into its been my top priority to add our personal touch and color to the landscape; and if there isn’t a garden, we grow one. These past few months have been somewhat of a slow process.
Ultimately, the garden is the heart of our homeschool life. No matter how big or small, it provides us many moments of education in leisure and in class hours. In the primer years, I invest a lot of time teaching the girls how to grow their own herbs, flowers, and vegetables from seed, They also learn how to take notes of their observations and illustrate our kitchen garden's slow changes throughout the seasons.